Rare for U.S. corporate profits to drop during expansion — what to make of 2014 drop?

posted in: Economy, Equities | 0

U.S. corporate profits down in 2014, but not S&P 500 earnings Since ’46, corporate profits have only dropped 4 times during expansion Twice since 1989, corporate profits fell but not SPX earnings, latter fell following year  U.S. corporate profits were down … Continued

U.S. corporations setting aside fewer profit dollars for software, R&D

posted in: Economy | 0

Share of U.S. corporate profits in national income barely off all-time highs Share of software plus R&D in U.S. private fixed investment falling since 2009 As good a hint as any for corporates to send current margins unsustainable long term? … Continued

Too soon to say if already-crashing ’15 earnings estimates have been cut enough

posted in: Commodities, Economy, Equities | 1

As oil price buckles, increase in talk of need to focus on S&P 500 earnings ex-energy Collapse in energy earnings important factor, but SPX ests were too rosy to begin with Sell-side struggles to wrap arms around energy repercussions; hard … Continued

BBG poll of 54% expecting U.S. markets to outperform this year in line with giddy NAAIM sentiment

posted in: Equities | 0

Bloomberg poll: international investors most bullish on U.S. markets in more than five years Giddy sentiment in agreement with message coming out of NAAIM and II Inflows from overseas key; as of November they are MIA Some interesting tidbit came … Continued