A peek into future through futures

The following are futures positions of non-commercials as of January 20 (Tuesday).  Change is week-over-week. Dollar index, gold and euro jump out the most. 10-year note: It seems non-commercials’ patience is wearing thin.  On top of that, this has not … Continued

A peek into future through futures

The following are futures positions of non-commercials as of January 13 (Tuesday).  Change is week-over-week. Dollar index and E-mini S&P 500 are noticeable. 10-year note: Did non-commercials get squeezed a little this week?  By Tuesday, the 10-year yield had dropped … Continued

Euro cannot catch break, approaches another support

posted in: Currency, Derivatives, Technicals | 0

Ahead of ECB meeting, euro misery continues Draghi under pressure to deliver news of more stimulus Large speculators look tentative and sitting on massive net shorts When early October, FXE, the euro ETF, was unable to hold on to 126-127, … Continued

Exports’ share in GDP at record territory, how would firmer $ affect that?

Amidst relentless rally, excessively bullish dollar sentiment R between U.S. exports and dollar weak, but continual strength can hurt exports Previously, recession has tagged along with persistent drop in ‘share of U.S. exports in nominal GDP’ Since it bottomed early … Continued

Healthy if greenback tests early-September breakout, probably will

posted in: Currency, Derivatives, Technicals | 0

In wake of early September breakout, U.S. dollar in limbo Too soon to say if breakout is reversal or continuation of prior downward trend Sentiment too bullish, reflected in large speculators’ futures position, raising odds of mean reversion The U.S. … Continued

Gold sitting on must-hold support

In 12 years ended September 2011, gold surged nearly eight times Momentum reversed and was never recouped even though QE3 was launched late ‘12 Sitting on crucial support; lot depends on if U.S. $ takes break from 12-wk, eight-percent-plus rally … Continued

Equities hammering out near-term bottom

posted in: Equities, Technicals | 0

Encouraging signs of near-term bottom VIX unable to break past 17; several other indicators grossly oversold Medium-term risks remain; SPX, DOW, RUT, NYSE have broken late-2012 trendline The Dow Industrials and the Nasdaq Composite yesterday successfully tested trendline support going … Continued

Draghi handout — or lack thereof — this AM to decide euro’s N/T fate

FXE breaks one more crucial technical support Large speculators’ euro net shorts at 26-mo high, but flattish in recent weeks Market reaction to Draghi’s asset-purchase plans will be a tell regarding euro’s near-term direction Still a wait-and-see on the euro … Continued